The blog has been renamed today because I finally have something, an idea, that really speaks to me and will be the continuing inspiration for most of the new work that I will be showcasing here.
I'm really excited to start posting some of the artwork I've been pumping out for this idea. I have been sketching and writing all summer and pretty soon I'll post up some of the synopsis' of the show and it's premise once I have all the legal stuff worked out.
The best part about what I'm working on is that I have gotten great feedback for the general idea itself amongst friends, family, and more importantly, complete strangers (not that I gave away any really important plot points or story mechanics mind you). The reason that was important to me is because what I'm working on isn't simply something just for me but something I want to share with the whole world; and if I can get the everyday Joe and Jane to like what I'm doing, then I think I have something really special on my hands. Furthermore, it will establish a link that will hopefully connect the average person to comic books more so than now.
With all the recent Hollywood blockbusters gaining their materials from comic books, I was annoyed to still see people not immersing themselves more into the wonderful, imaginative world of comics. It's definitely not a nerd or geek's world anymore and my main objective with what I'm going to achieve is to finally get more people to read comic books!
There are so many great writers and artists and stories out there that are now responsible for some of the biggest money makers in Hollywood right now that I want comic books to finally come into the lime light and show the world just how many amazing and interesting stories are really out there.
With InCORRUPTIBLE(s) I hope to achieve that.
As for now, I'll be posting new work weekly (hopefully) so to whomever checks out this blog, enjoy!